Monday, October 10, 2011

How to Check Your Book Proof

How to Check Your Book Proof

First, prepare yourself. This is the last stage in producing your book, so spend the time to do it right. Books last a very long time, and so do the errors that sneak into them. This is your opportunity to make this book as error-free as possible.

I'm going to suggest a 3-step process:

Proofing Step 1. Read the Book

If at all possible, read the entire book. While you are reading, you'll be checking for typographical errors and inconsistencies. Is the text complete? Did a paragraph get left out somewhere along the way? Is the part of a sentence cut off at the bottom of a page?

All of these things can happen at one end of a book file when you're looking at the other end. Check to make sure everything that's supposed to be there is actually there. While you're reading, be aware of the following:

1. Fonts - Are they used consistently throughout the book?
2. Inch vs. quote marks - Good typography uses proper curled quotation marks, not the straight inch marks. Check the ones in your book.
3. Hyphens, ems, and ens - Each type of dash has a different use. For instance, numbers or dates in a range are separated by an en dash, not a hyphen.
4. Line spacing - Is it consistent in every paragraph throughout the book?
5. Word spacing - Do you have some lines that are much looser or much tighter than the others? Watch out for forced line breaks that might be left in the file.

If you can, have someone who hasn't seen the book before also read through it. You'll be surprised by the errors that can be uncovered by an observer who's not directly invested in the work.

Proofing Step 2. Look at the Book

What do I mean by "look"? I mean ignore the text and instead concentrate on everything else. Here are the things you'll typically be looking for, and some tips on how to find them.

1. Orphans/widows -Those pesky single lines at the bottom of a page or parts of lines at the top of a page. If you can get rid of them, do so.
2. Running heads need to be consistent and have the proper information, like part titles or chapter titles. It's easy to make a mistake with these, so check them thoroughly.
3. Chapter openers should also be consistent. Does each chapter start in the same place on the page and contain the same elements in the same order?
4. Folios or page numbers need a look. Blank pages should have nothing on them, and also check that your pagination is accurate with all odd-numbered pages on the right. It pays to check!
5. Page references are another trap. If you referred to something "in Chapter 2" or "on page 112" is it still there?
6. Paragraph indents ought to be consistent throughout, no matter what style you're using.
7. Subhead spacing and alignment can be controlled by styles in your software, but you should check them anyway to make sure they are uniform.

Here's a trick for you: Hold the edge of the book in one hand and allow the pages to flip quickly through your fingers. You'll spot misalignments because they "pop" out compared to the other pages. Try it.

Proofing Step 3. Proof the Cover

The front and back covers of your book are the most important two pages in terms of book sales. Here are elements of your cover to check on the proof:

1. Be the overall design and the colors what you expected?
2. Is your title clearly visible?
3. Is the type on your spine clear and straight?
4. Make sure no important elements are too close to the trimmed edges of the book. I recommend you have .5" minimum around the edges.
5. If you have a barcode, or if you've printed the ISBN on the back cover, make sure they match the ISBN on your copyright page.
6. If you included a category and price, are they correct?
7. Don't forget to proofread the copy on the back cover.

Proof, Revise, Upload, Publish!

Don't be surprised if you need to upload revised versions of both your interior and cover. That's actually pretty normal.

Go through the trouble of checking your proof, correcting your files and uploading the revisions. When it comes time to "publish" your book to the world and see it available online, you'll be confident you've put the best product you can on the market.

Congratulations, you're now a published author!

***CreateSpace by Joel Friedlander.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Vikramroy11 A Video Streaming Online Channel

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Prologue Of A Nightmare

Green seeds are sleeping in the womb of Mother Earth
The Witch appears in front me;
Her naked eyes and hairs blowing in the wind.
The dream cannot make me sleep anymore;
No drink can help me out of it because I drank a lot already.
Tonight I am traveling into the jungle of my desires
And looking forward a Brave New World to begin.
Scared; I come to know about the age of darkness,
Black soil harvests no more weeds
And my wildest desires gone far away
"Please Father, don't look at me like that."
All my hopes are smoked and turned into ashes.

by Vikram Roy
Dated: 8th Jan,2011 3:20AM